
Benefits of a Summer Holiday Study Plan

Published: 02 Dec 2022 Tagged: holidaysschool breakstudy planSummer
Benefits of a Summer Holiday Study Plan

School is about to end! Then, what will your children do? Summer vacation evokes thoughts of happy times and relaxing days, but parents may have other plans. Children can't precisely switch their minds entirely off because they have to return to school in a few weeks. Similar to how stopping physical activity can result in a loss of fitness, stopping studying can result in a decline in intellectual ability.

Even if you don't have to enforce a tight study schedule throughout the summer, your young scholars will profit greatly from doing some homework, especially after school resumes. These advantages include the elements below.

  • Better knowledge and skills. The summer is a great time for your child to review skills if they had trouble with them throughout the school year. To make the most of this time, enrol them in a tutoring, enrichment, or independent study program.
  • Possibilities for uninterrupted concentration. Some kids may feel overwhelmed by school. If you belong to one of them, summer presents a wonderful chance to study without the interruptions of school. Reading, learning, and studying in peace and quiet at home is something your youngster may appreciate.
  • Evaluations of their learning. The first few weeks back at school may be quite review-heavy since children frequently forget what they learn over the summer. Weekly reviews of fundamental knowledge and skills will keep everything fresh in their mind, ensuring that your kid will be at the top of the class when classes resume.
  • Practical opportunity to practise new skills. Although there isn't always a lot of practise in the classroom, there is a lot of theory. Your child has lots of time throughout the summer to build, experiment, and explore. Establish a stimulating learning atmosphere where they may explore their interests at their own speed. That can entail making sure they have an abundance of art supplies, a laptop for writing, or creative building tools for creating brand-new worlds.
  • A chance to get ready for the new year. The knowledge and lessons acquired in the previous school year are built upon in every subsequent school year. The summer is a great time to review the skills your child already possesses as well as to create the foundation for learning new ones. They should strengthen any areas of weakness immediately to ensure the stability of their foundation.

Over the summer, children may lose some of their math and reading skills, and when they return to school, they may even do worse on standardised exams. This means spending more time reviewing stuff and less time developing new concepts and abilities. Consider academics to be similar to physical activity or music: Both require practise to become proficient. Weeks off with no practise at all will inevitably result in skill loss. Even if they don't work for hours at a time the whole holiday, your kids will benefit from brushing up on the fundamentals by doing better when school returns and achieving higher levels of success.

Don’t forget to read our tips on how to create an effective Summer holiday study plan by clicking here!

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