
Creating a Summer Holiday Study Plan

Published: 03 Dec 2021 Tagged: holidaysstudy planSummer
Creating a Summer Holiday Study Plan

We’re getting closer and closer to the end of term at school, so it will be about six weeks for a good time with family and friends, traveling, playing and preparing for next year. For Year 11 students, this is especially important because the following year is marked by the main demands over their performance in exams to enter the university. No matter the child’s school year, being prepared for the new content is crucial for a good start. To help with that, we have three important tips for children to create an effective Summer holiday study plan to start the next year well-prepared:

  • Two first weeks off: All children want when the last term finishes is to stop thinking about school work, deadlines and things to read and solve. It’s fair desire from them, and it can be easily given. These two first weeks of holidays coincide with Christmas and New Year, so all children will be able to enjoy this period in full.
  • Consolidate assimilated knowledge: Some part of lessons given in the past terms might not have been completely assimilated, so a quick review would be a good way to start the Summer holiday study plan. It should occupy 2 hours of every day (not weekends), preferably between 9.00am and 11.00am. An effective method is to print the syllabus of each studied subject and highlight each component in the traffic light system, to understand where to focus the review studies:
    • If you feel completely aware of that component’s knowledge, it’s green
    • If you can explain only part of it and feel some gaps, it’s yellow
    • If you don’t remember what that means, it’s red
  • Work ahead for the content of the beginning of term 1: It’s a very good strategy to study by yourself at least the first lesson of each subject, when getting close to the return to school.

There are also activities to stimulate language and communication to be made during Summer – click here to know more about them. Everyone from the Speakable team wishes a great end of term to students and will be always ready to provide supporting services to help children in their learning and studies!

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