
8 tips to stimulate your working memory

Published: 21 Oct 2020 Tagged: ADHDAlzheimerattention deficit disorderCogmedlearning differenceslearning difficultieslearning disordersshort-term memorytipsworking memory
8 tips to stimulate your working memory

Modern life and technology have provided many amazing opportunities for people to access information more easily, learn an uncountable amount of knowledge and become much more efficient and productive at work or at school. However, this new scenario has unveiled the limits of human brain, or highlighted learning disorders when dealing with such amount of information at the same time.

People get stressed due to an overwhelming overload of tasks to do at the same time or retaining attention to only one source of information. When under effect of these events, individuals might experience working memory issues, not being able to keep the attention to what is important and retaining the short-term memory regarding such events. People who already experience Alzheimer or a learning disorder such as ADD, ADHD, autism and similar ones can be even more affected by information overload.

In order to help you better handle threats to the working memory, we have listed 8 things that you can do:

  • Break information into big chunks. Whenever you have to use a seemingly big information, break it into smaller ones that you can memorise them one by one.
  • Exploit checklists. Whenever you have a sequence of things to do, a checklist (be it handwritten or digital) will be extremely helpful to organise ideas and the order to conduct each task.
  • Routines. The more you do something one day after the other, the more your brain makes it automatic, so you don’t even need to think about it.
  • Working memory stimulation activities. Crossword puzzles, TV shows which challenge you to practice your knowledge, attending brain training programs and playing games which need high intellectual effort such as chess, all of these activities are good for the working memory to remain well.
  • Try different memorisation techniques. You can create songs to sing about what you need to memorise, or simply visualise with your imagination the things you need to do, or tie a short string around a finger to remind you about something. The more you try, the earlier you discover the best techniques to retain information in your memory.
  • Avoid multitasking. Sometimes, we accept too many activities to do or pay attention at the same time. Some people try that and fail because the needed attention to one or more of those tasks is higher that the given amount of attention.
  • Mindfulness to clean the senses. Information overload is a daily phenomenon, so mindfulness activities are extremely important for modern days. Take some time everyday to simply feel what is around you, without thinking about problems or responding to multiple stimuli.
  • Physical activities. Though related to mindfulness, practicing a physical activity will not only help you remove your mind away from information overload, but it’s scientifically proved that such activities contribute to the health of brain cells.

Here you have many great opportunities to support the performance of your working memory. In the case of you need extra help with working memory stimulation sessions, Speakable is a licensed provider of COGMED. Click here to know more about this service that we can provide to you or someone you would like to refer to us.

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