
Tips to be ready for HSC exam

Published: 09 Sep 2022 Tagged: ATARAustralian Tertiary Admission RankHigh School Certificatehigh schoolersHSClearning differenceslearning difficultiessecondary schoolersstudytips
Tips to be ready for HSC exam

HSC exam will happen in a few weeks and it’s crucial that the students can make this exam with the least stress as possible. This is a very important exam for the rest of their school and academic life, so we separated the eight tips below to help your children be in a better mental and physical state for the HSC moment:

  • Make good use of your time. Memory work is best done in the few minutes before turning out the lights. Learning before going to bed dramatically enhances memory retention, so while you're in bed, quickly review the most crucial words, equations, or facts. then turn it off.
  • Eat a delicious supper. Make an extra effort to prepare a nice supper for yourself. I'm not advocating "brain food" like almonds or fatty fish, but rather a celebratory dinner you'd have if you wanted to treat yourself, like steak and chocolate pie. It will cheer you up and provide you energy for the next day.
  • Laugh. Take part in one enjoyable activity, such as watching a comedy show, playing soccer, or tinkering with Instagram images. You'll feel more at ease, experience less tension, and sleep better after laughing.
  • Be sure to wake up on time. Set the alarm. Or even two. If you're still concerned, ask a friend or member of your family to check on you. Just be sure to be for the exam well in advance.
  • Understand when to stop. Eat a hearty meal in the morning, and review your most crucial information before leaving the house. And once more on the way to the test. When you enter the exam room, put your brain to rest. If you still don't get it by this point, you never will! Too much cramming just before the deadline might make your head spin out of control.
  • Utilize the room. Spread out and relax comfortably in the examination room. It has been demonstrated that physically enlarging oneself by spreading one's arms or sitting back in a chair causes the production of a hormone that increases self-assurance. We guarantee that it works.
  • Limit your alcohol intake. A sip every hour is all you need; don't overdo it. Dehydration won't be an issue during the exam, but drinking a lot of water and needing to use the restroom frequently will. The drink is only intended as a little distraction to give your hands and brain a break.
  • Follow your own strategies. And lastly, each person is unique. Around test time, some people prefer to be by themselves while others play upbeat music through their headphones. It's possible that you like donning your luckiest pair of high shoes. You'll be completely prepared to ace the exam if you do whatever puts you in the optimal frame of mind.

In case your children need any special tutoring before HSC time, feel free to contact us! We also have two other articles that might be helpful with more tips related to HSC:

  • Tips for HSC exams
  • HSC Exams during the pandemics
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