
Tips for a productive home office

Published: 17 Apr 2020 Tagged: CoronavirusCOVID-19home officelockdowntipswork from home
Tips for a productive home office

COVID-19 pandemics has affected the lives of the majority of population around the world, demanding from families, students and workers to adapt to different conditions while isolated in their homes. In order to make your work from home more comfortable and productive, Speakable has listed some useful tips below:

  • Effective workspace. There is the temptation to simply work laying on your bed, we know, but it can affect your comfort and health. A desk and a chair are crucial for the body to rest while working. If necessary, a standing desk could be prepared for you to work standing up. Lighting, sound isolation, temperature and other environmental factors must be analysed for you to work completely comfortable.
  • Ambience. Productivity is crucial, but comfort must follow the working time. Personal items such as photos, decorative objects and even natural or artificial plants to make a pleasant environment.
  • Schedule self-control. When you are at home, there are many stimuli for pauses and distractions, as well as for working before or after your official working hours. You are working from home, but it is still your home. Avoid working extra hours (including lunch break) and keep focused during work hours.
  • Boundaries. Be prepared for spouse, children, friends, neighbours and distant relatives trying to talk to you, play with you, eat and drink with you. Resist it, your home office is still a workspace and you’re still within your working hours. Ensure they understand it, so they won’t hinder your productivity.
  • Health and safety. Use frequent pauses to stretch your body, rest your eyes, walk a little, eat your lunch or snacks. Pay attention to power cords, cups nearby electronic devices and any other hazard you might suffer. Eat healthy food, resist to the temptation of eating endless at home or eating too much unhealthy food.

Many supporting services can help you on a remote basis, such as Speakable with Speech and Language Pathology therapies. In addition, we can provide Accent Reduction sessions, Parental Coaching, Tutoring classes and other services. Get in contact with us in order to know how we can provide you support.

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