
Value of networking: how often do you give referrals?

Published: 29 Jul 2020 Tagged: allied health professionscollaborationcontactscontributionefficiencynetworkingreferral
Value of networking: how often do you give referrals?

Stop for ten seconds and try to remember the professions of your family members, then your closest friends, then your not-so-close friends, then some of your acquaintances. There is an impressive variety of professions, right? Even with no social media-based platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, it’s possible to consult some of these contacts when some specific support is needed. That’s networking happening live. Have you ever thought of how valuable are your contacts for the needs of other contacts?

For example, a friend of yours wants to have guitar classes, and you have a relative who teaches guitar. An in-law who’s looking for a good cardiologist, and your neighbour works in that specialty.

Now, focus on the allied health professional aspect. A child is experiencing a concerning decrease in school grades and the parents talk to the school staff, who understands the need for a certain number of tests to conclude what could be happening. It could be an issue related to mental health such as anxiety or depression, a detected level of dyslexia or ADHD, a difficulty from the child to react to their own internal feelings such as hunger, tiredness, and many other possibilities. When they know what’s happening, a therapy program can be developed to minimise or maybe eliminate (when possible) such negative effects, but the professionals who conducted the tests and the parents don’t know any therapist.

Even before all of this being conducted, you could, as a friend of the parents, have mentioned some contacts you have, enabling the parents to have a list of possible helpers even before knowing they would need such professionals.

Speakable Team is a strong supporter of networking among its contacts for better outcomes to its clients, it’s always a pleasure to meet new professionals! How many contacts have you shared today?

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