
Light It Red 2023 for Dyslexia Awareness Month

Published: 07 Oct 2023 Tagged: Corporate Social ResponsibilityCSRDo It RedDyslexiaDyslexia Awareness MonthLight It RedLIR2023redSpeakable
Light It Red 2023 for Dyslexia Awareness Month

This week saw the beginning of Code REaD Australia's yearly campaign to raise awareness of Dyslexia around the nation. Many people with this neurodiverse trait experience frustration and even bullying at school because classmates and even teachers don't fully understand their condition. Red was chosen because it represents the distress that children with Dyslexia experience when their schoolwork is marked in red. Red should now be perceived as a symbol of understanding and support rather than criticism or shame.

The hashtag #LIR2023 is used to reflect the campaign's name, "Light It Red for Dyslexia," which aims to raise awareness of this neurodiversity trait in 2023. Here are some activities individuals and groups may carry out in October to support raising awareness of dyslexia:

  • Light your home, workplace or landmark Red and register it here
  • Invite your own company or companies at the community to join the cause by sharing the Light Up Request
  • Use the materials developed by Code REaD Australia as digital or print supportsuch as the LIR2023 Brochure
  • Do creative things involving the colour red such as:
    1. Wear red-coloured clothing and accessories
    2. Fly red paper planes or kites
    3. Bake, cook, prepare, eat and drink red-coloured foods and beverages
    4. Colour objects or yourself in red, such as using red polishing for nails, dye the hair etc.
    5. Use red-coloured writing/drawing/painting stuff
    6. Craft, build or sculpt red-coloured stuff

And of course, spread these activities to the world using the hashtag #LIR2023 in every post (you can see the hashtag in Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X, for example)!

Speakable is a strong supporter of awareness activities and will always support such initiatives and be ready to offer our services to clients who experience dyslexia! Visit our page regarding our services for Dyslexia Treatment to know how we can help you!

Light It Red for Dyslexia!

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