
Encouraging words to children

Published: 13 Aug 2021 Tagged: childrenencouragementencouraging wordsmotivationmotivational wordsparent coachingPBLPBSpositive behaviourpositive behaviour for learningpositive behaviour supportpositive parentingpositive psychologypositive teachingsandwich method
Encouraging words to children

Every day is a new day. For children, this means a new day full of developmental opportunities, no matter the age of the child or adolescent. Opportunities to develop body, mind and socialisation are amazing, which can reinforce either their self-efficacy and self-esteem, or their anxiety and fear of failure. This is the main reason that positive behaviour from parents, carers, teachers and allied health professionals towards children is so fundamental. Everyone around the child must provide a positive environment to encourage the child to take risks, be optimistic and be resilient when thing don’t work as expected. Proper wording is part of positive behaviour.

One of the most effective techniques to use positive behaviour to support children and encourage them is the famous Sandwich Method, also called Feedback Sandwich. It is comprised of three steps:

  1. Positive Input. This first step includes encouragement words, praising for achievements and behaviour.
  2. Critique. Then, the adult asks the child if they believe there’s something they would like to improve, then coaching the child is started by pointing out opportunities for improvement, concerning behaviour or any other negative detail which should be reworked through constructive feedback.
  3. Positive Wrap-up. The third and last step involves discussing and reaching a satisfactory conclusion for the child to keep improving and never feeling unsupported or demotivated. Positive support will make the child always remember their strengths and remarkable accomplishments, while keeping in mind that the child will have a supportive environment no matter what happens.

By conducting this 3-step technique, the child will feel themselves within a supportive environment with kind and proactive parents, carers, teachers and allied health professionals.

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